Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day 2012

Greetings on this Leap Day 2012. I'm not sure we needed an "extra" day of this dreary February weather, but thankfully March is arriving and that brings us a bit closer to the spring season. In Syracuse, NY we are expecting snow all day. I'm thrilled, of course. (not really.)

Leap Day Trivia item: Apparently, if you were born on a Leap Day, you are called a "Leapling".  Cute.

Not related to Leap Day, here is a something I wanted to post before I forgot about it. Yesterday, (2/28), Christer of the wonderful blog, was discussing the family of Corvids, or crows, ravens, jackdaw, etc. These birds are immensely intelligent and are fascinating to study and observe. Christer's discussion reminded me of a video I saw a few weeks ago that shows this intellligence, and shall I say, "joie de vivre", to a tee. Please click on the link to watch a short clip of this amazing and fun-seeking bird.  crow snowtubing on the roof

Doesn't seem to be much else to say about Leap Day. It's not a big shopping day, lol! The commercial value is very low for this day. No parades or special foods. No need to send out cards or break out special decorations. Just a day that comes around every four years. Gives us something to talk about for about a minute!

Hope you have the best Leap Day ever!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

For Raethan

If we were together today, I would bake you this cake!

We would have vases of flowers in your favorite color.
(flowers found here)

We'd spend time looking at pictures like this

Perhaps we would dine here

or here

I am certain there would be board games

And a Johnny Depp movie (or two)

It would be a lovely time and there would be the obligatory off-key song and lots of laughter and hugs and your brother would be hilarious of course and your husband would be so cute. Family fun to celebrate your day. Maybe even champagne, balloons and sparkly packages.

Happy Birthday, beautiful Raethan!!
Your family adores you!!
Wishing you the best day ever!
(wedding photo found here)

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Scary high winds during the night scattering stuff around the yards, mostly the flotsam and jetsam from trash day. It's cold, too, which should be no surprise, but the weather has been off kilter lately.

Long day Friday spent at a surgery center with my brother. A procedure for his kidneys. Not successful, and will need repeating next week. He has been having a rough go of it, but hanging in there.

Before I forget (again) I wanted to place the correct link for a photo I had in a post a few days ago, for the gypsy horse. Somehow I copied the wrong URL. So here is the picture again with the right link. (Scatterbrained)

Anyone watching the short tv series called The River? It's a little odd, a little scary and I can't decide if I like it or not. Shows I am crazy about:  Fringe, Grimm, Lost Girl and oddly enough, Castle (Nathan Fillion from the sci fi series Firefly is in this show). And of course, Downton Abbey. We record everything on the DVR and zoom through the commercials. The only way to watch tv.

Something I have not heard in months: cardinals singing and blue jays squawking. Heard both yesterday. Do they think Spring is coming early??

Working on my magickal herb cupboard this weekend.  Some other re-organizing as well. No particular reason other than, like this post, I am feeling scattered.

Hope the weekend is a great one!! Blessed be!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Well, Crappity!

Okie doke, you all must know by now that I positively, absolutely am not a computer techie kind of person, nor do I like change, once I have figured something out!

So now, according to reliable sources, something is changing. The Google Friend Connect widget is going away. All the people who have signed up to follow blogs through this widget will disappear off the blogs. So bloggers are scrambling (or not...) to get other widgets in place for people to sign on to follow.

I read my friend Kim's blog The Wiccan Life today and with her prompting I did my best to get this Linky thing set up. I also added the gadget where you can sign up to receive email notices when the blog has a new post. The Linky Follower gadget is free and you just need an email address to sign on, whether you have a blog or not. It is fairly easy, actually to sign up for it, although at the moment I am having trouble getting my thumbnail photo onto my own i.d.

Oh, here is the link to the Linky follower site:

But I don't understand why Google wants to do away with this nice little widget. I am concerned a lot of people may drop out of the blog-o-sphere and have trouble getting back in. At the same time, I am sure that most people are much more computer-savvy then yours truly, and won't have a problem.

Like I said, I hate change, and crappity, I hate having to muck around in the dashboard trying to remember how to do stuff. Anyway, enough complaining for now. All will be well, I'm sure!

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Blogging about Bloggers, Part Two

Ah, you didn't know there was going to be a part two, did you?! Well, I decided I wanted to tell you about the very first blog I ever read.

A few years ago (and I can't be specific, because I don't actually remember what year, but at least 3-4 years, maybe??) I was spending my internet time mostly emailing, web browsing, online shopping, and casual game playing. One day I was on the website,  My son had introduced me to this site and I enjoyed looking at various pages that showed up based on the interests I had entered: nature, animals, Wicca, gardening etc. A web site featuring horses appeared, gypsy horses to be specific. Gorgeous animals that inspired me to search for more sites about these stunning creatures. And a blog turned up.

A blog that changed everything. This blog,  written by the gifted artist Jennifer MacNeill-Traylor evoked several emotions for me. Amazement, curiosity, excitement and a keen interest in investigating not only Jennifer's blog, but finding more blogs. The Gypsy Mare blog is a beautifully rendered site showcasing a lot of Jennifer's paintings of horses of all kinds, rabbits, cats and other creatures of nature. She paints with a flair and in rich, authentic detail. Her colors, her technique and her subjects leap from the page. It is amazing the emotion I feel when I look at her work. But that is not all. She is also an award-winning carver of pumpkins. You have to see her Halloween art. Unbelievable!! AND she is a gifted photographer, traveling around Lancaster County, PA with her adorable daughter, visiting many places of interest, snapping photos, with a keen and talented eye, such wonderful scenes. Country roads, farms, gardens. I could go on and on, because I enjoy her blog so much.

But back to the subject at hand, which is that having discovered Jennifer's blog, I decided I had to see if there were more blogs to read. I visited blogs from Jennifer's own blog list and needless to say the world opened up for me. I found blogs that catered to my varied interests. I spent months reading blogs, but never had the courage to comment. Finally, I decided to create my google account, using my magickal name, and began signing on to follow blogs, leaving comments and, more or less, getting the hang of the blog world.  Eventually, I got brave enough to try a blog of my own, despite my lack of computer techie knowledge, and the rest, as they say, is history.  And all because of a beautiful, wondrous horse and the artist who paints them.

What got you started in the blogging world?

Gypsy Horse Image Source

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Blogging about Bloggers

While reading some of my favorite blogs over the last two or three days, I have been amused, sad, concerned,  shocked, angered, happy, and even received some doses of spring fever. A lot going on with folks in the blog-o-sphere. In this on-line community, we share our lives with each other and receive love and support. I am proud to call many of these bloggers "friend", even though we most likely will never meet in the "real world".

Sometimes you never know what you are going to read on a blog. There are often very educational and interesting posts, anecdotal and moving posts, friendly reminders, humorous relatings of day-to-day life. I follow several artists and crafters and it is amazing to read about their work, follow the projects, see the finished examples of brilliance!

There are fun blog parties, giveaways and seasonal celebrations. Many great photographers out there too. I enjoy seeing photos from your neck of woods, seeing your pets, your gardens, your travels. My blogging neighborhood is a great place to hang out! I always love seeing new posts, meeting new followers, finding new bloggers. I am always inspired and never bored.  Thanks to all who make my world a better place. (Hope you didn't find this post overly sentimental, saccharine or "smarmy")

Group Hug!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Aine is Awesome!

Please follow this link The Deepest Well to read about Aine O'Brien's fab giveaway. Aine is a special witch and a great friend. Truly an awesome writer of all things witchy. Her blog is terrific and you will always learn something in her posts. She has a special attachment to her neighborhood crows, has an enviable home in a beautiful place near the sea, creates many a spell with her herbals and generally speaking is the "go-to-witch" for any guidance one may need for all things Craft.  Enjoy a visit to her blog!!!

disclaimer: I am speaking honestly and from the heart and not because I really want to win her giveaway.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


For the past four and half months, I have spent a lot of time in hospitals and doctor offices. My brother is going through a lot of tests for various problems, including kidney disease and heart issues. After suffering two strokes, several other medical problems were discovered, and we have been traipsing from one place to another. It is wearying for my brother, who endures these tests, and awaits diagnoses and treatments. He is a trooper and is carrying on as best he can.

For the sister of the patient, many idle hours have been spent in waiting rooms, passing the time with books, newspapers, magazines and whatever else is at hand to occupy the time. Many other people pass their time in these waiting rooms or hallways outside of testing areas using their cell phones. I have been privy to various and sundry one-sided conversations. Not intentionally. It can hardly be called eaves-dropping when the person is talking, often times in a loud voice, seemingly oblivious to the presence of anyone else.

Some conversations are brief and to the point. "We are almost done here"; "We are waiting for the doctor"; "Pick up Johnny after school".  I have no problem with those type of calls. Unfortunately, 95% of the other calls are often intensely personal causing a sense of discomfort to those in the proximity.

These snippets of conversations involving people and situations can make you squirm in your seat, trying to avoid eye contact with the caller, or, at times, sending stares of disbelief in their direction. Why do I have to hear about "granny's enema" or "there's no way I'm pregnant, we haven't had sex in weeks" or"get your f***ing ass down here now", or the long, drawn out description of "the worst manicure I ever had".

I am not sure if it is a lack of good manners, or a belief that everyone wants to hear about their personal business, or just sheer ignorance of the barriers between public and private subjects. At any rate, sometimes these brief glimpses into other people's lives are almost entertaining, but for the most part I find it aggravating and just one more torment to tolerate while sitting in a crowded waiting room and the doctor is way behind schedule.

I would love to carry a few of these cards

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

To Hearts and Flowers

To Hearts and Flowers
I sing their praises:
Their gifts of smiles
And rosy phrases.
Let their subtle ways embrace you,
Overtake, command, and grace you.
Sing a song from Valentine's treasure
A verse or more
There is no measure.
Spirits soar when love's afire
No chance to wane, to fall or tire.
To Hearts and Flowers
I sing their glory
A joyful song
A much-loved story.

~~~by Robin Larkspur
Valentine's Day 2012

Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone! Considered yourselves hugged!!!

valentine image source

Sunday, February 12, 2012

What do you Love, Love, Love?

Inspired by the Valentine vibe in the air, I have been thinking about Love. Not LOVE as in "I LOVE my husband" (which of course I do, he is a sweetie!), but of all the things I love: ideas and books, animals, gardens, collections, memories, hobbies.....all those things that help make you, You and me, Me!

I like to think that I am a well-adjusted, happy Wiccan. I love being Wiccan, truly! Wicca has made me feel complete and truly part of Nature. Someday very very soon, I am going to blog more about being Wiccan, why I am Wiccan and what I Love about being Wiccan!

Today, though, I am feeling nostalgic, sentimental, perhaps a little sad, because I think about my mom who just passed away two weeks ago. Not sad in a horrible way, with sobbing and hand-wringing and all that. Just wistful for the days gone by, and how a lot of the things I have are gentle reminders of happy times, or are comforting things. I enjoy my little collections and some have no reason at all for living with me, other than I love 'em!!

I know a lot of you are collectors; gatherers of "stuff" and "good junk". After all, part of being a responsible member of society is to do our part to reduce what goes into the landfills. (you know, Reduce, ReUse, Recycle, Repurpose).

Now we don't have a very big house. There is not a lot of storage. My husband and I share a closet about the size of a mouse hole. But we have lots (lots and lots) of Books. Wow, dontcha just love books!!! And yes, we do re-read a lot of them. Some of them are parts of series or by favorite authors. We have a lot of sci-fi/horror. Fantasy. Mysteries. Historical Fiction.  And I have a ton of non-fiction books, including a large Wiccan/Pagan collection, gardening, crafting, birding and other nature subjects,  and, oddly enough, books on collecting! (lol). The books are all over the place, on shelves, tops of chests, in baskets and there is an unfortunate group of books in an old laundry basket waiting for a shelf to go up somewhere. But I love these books, and can't imagine living without them.

A basket of my books

I love my pottery collection, including very old things from my mom's family in France and Switzerland. I love the birdhouse collection, the stones, dishes, blue and white "anything" collection.  I love my husband's beer steins and all his Navy memorabilia. There are many collections, some maybe only consisting of 2 or 3 items. I collect magazine articles: these help me collect ideas for all kinds of projects around the house, for planning gardens, for daydreaming, for inspiration.

China Hutch #1

China Hutch #2
 A few of my collections.
Blue and White and Copper

Clutter? Dust catchers? Taking up space? Perhaps. Love them anyway. Could I live without them? Yes, of course, because after all, they are just material things. For now, I love living with these things. And love is a many-splendored thing!

Do you love to collect? I'd love to hear about it.

Valentine Images Source
clip art sources

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What a Shine!

Last night, beautiful moon-shine, large and lovely, in the eastern sky. This morning before sunrise, there was the moon again, full and round and yellow in the west. Took me by surprise. And now a couple of hours later, the sun is shining brilliantly. It has to fill you with energy and exhuberance, doesn't it?  It is going to be a beautiful day! Enjoy it to the fullest!

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Four Fotos For February (finally)

What with one thing and another, I have spent very little time with my new camera (received for Yule). The Canon Power Shot ELPH 300 HS (referred to from this day forward as "Elphie") has been patiently sitting on my desk wondering when the heck we were going to go out and play. So without further ado, I present my first photos ever from Elphie. (I am sure they will improve with time and practice)

First victim (I mean subject) Lexie-Girl
My wonderful new drum
Mushroom-shaped ice formation in our yard
February 7, 2012 Full Moon, as seen from my back deck
This is as close to Wordless Wednesday as I can get. Looking forward to learning more about Elphie. Thanks for your patience as I "fiddle around" with photography.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday Miscellany

There will be a beautiful full moon tonight, and Goddess willing, there will be clear skies for viewing. Charging up gems and crystals, water and a few other things is definitely the plan. We don't have wide window sills in this house, so it is a challenge when the weather is cold to place items in view of the Full Moon. Still, where there is a witch, there is a way. 

A giveaway is going on at my good friend, Kim's blog. She is a lovely lady, a Wiccan high priestess and lover of cats. I have enjoyed her blog, The Wiccan Life for quite some time now. She shares poetry, rituals, shopping excursions and animal stories. Always a pleasure to visit her. Go take a look, and enter her giveaway. Books, a hand-made wreath and a very coveted Fairy wand is in the offing. Here's the link:
The Wiccan Life Spring Giveaway

Have you seen the new show about the Fae on Sci-Fi channel? It is called Lost Girl and I have to admit I like it. At least so far. Sci-Fi channel shows can sometimes be a bit "cheesy". Give it a look. It comes on Monday nights.  Here is a link where you can learn more about this nifty show.  Lost Girl on Sci-Fi Channel

Time to water the house plants, clean the canary cage, fill up the outside bird feeders and maybe go to my favorite book store for some perusing and a cafe mocha. I wonder if they still have pumpkin cheesecake?.....................

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Saturday, February 4, 2012


For the last four nights, I have been having the most wonderful dreams. Bright, sunshiney, warm, happy, loving dreams. I am with my mother and she is smiling, healthy, younger. We are sitting together in old familiar places, chatting and laughing. These dreams are beautiful. I wake up assured that my mom is fine, and that my sadness will decrease day by day.

A mom's hug lasts long after she lets go.  ~Author Unknown

Image Source

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Imbolc Blessings

Though spring weather and new growth is still some time away, Imbolc is a welcomed sabbat that helps us remember that winter does not last forever, and this side of the planet will once again be filled with days of long light, birdsong and green-leafed trees. (now that was a long sentence!).

These days, instead of observing the birth of lambs and calves, most urban Wiccans are using symbols of new life and the return of light on their altars. Beautiful candles, cauldrons filled with herbs, fresh flowers and incense, paintings or figures of those things that represent the return of Spring. For those of us who live in northern climes, we are not likely to see crocuses popping up or the groundhogs scurrying around. But truly we know it is coming soon, with Ostara, the Spring Equinox sabbat occurring in March.

So far, for most of us all over the US, this winter has not been very harsh (as of yet). Still it gets dark early, and there is frost in the mornings, and frankly I am so tired of the heavy coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and waiting for the car to warm up. It is encouraging to take a moment at the beginning of February to think ahead to the warmer days.

In the meantime, there is lots going on to fill the days between now and Ostara. I try not to wish the time away, as each and every day is just as important as a day sometime in the future. Live in the "now", I like to say.

Blessed Imbolc to everyone.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Welcome February

It is with utmost relief I bid farewell to January. Glad to be done with it. February will be a very good month, of that I am certain. Despite dealing with grief, my Wiccan witchy ways won't let me sink down into too deep of a burrow. And my mom would not be pleased. Her loss is still very new, just a week has gone by. The hands of the clock move very slowly. But come, pour a cup of tea and sit with me, can you?

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 February has always been one of my favorite months, starting way back in the long ago of elementary school. Ground Hog's Day (which I now know is actually the Wiccan sabbat, Imbolc!!); did the nutty little groundhog  come out of his hidey-hole and see his shadow? 6 more weeks of winter? or, just six more weeks till Spring? Then along comes Mr Lincoln's birthday, our 16th president. Cutting out the silhouettes of his bearded profile and writing little history stories: "Abraham Lincoln was very honest and did his school work by candle light." And of course just a week or so later, we did the same for Mr Washington, the axe-yielding cherry tree killer of legend and "Father of our Country". (totally false, you know, about ole G.W. cutting down the cherry tree...but still my mom made cherry pie every February 22nd for years, lol!)

But the ultimate February event of course was Valentine's Day. Handcrafted "mailboxes", or crisp white bakery bags, covered in millions of red and pink hearts, lots of lacy doilies, cupcakes iced in pink frosting, tons of candy, the ubiquitous Hawaiian Punch! Ah, the good old days!!

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Enough of strolling down memory lane! It is pouring down rain, about 46 degrees F, weird, wacky weather for February in the North. Not complaining though.

Looking forward to all kinds of good things this month. And thank you Linda, for the adorable Valentine card you sent.

See you soon!!