Thursday, July 14, 2011


Happy Bastille Day to our friends in France!

Here is another reason to celebrate July 14th: A wedding anniversary. They fell in love in one of  the most romantic places in the world, Oahu, Hawaii. A year later they married at Waimea Falls Park on Oahu's North Shore. They lived on the island for four years, during which time a baby girl was born to them. Then it was on to California and the birth of a little boy. Ten years of earthquakes, mudslides, brush fires and trips to Disneyland.  The next move was across the United States to the East Coast. The children grew up, went to college and no longer live with their parents. The love story continues, though. The happy Hawaiian-wed couple still carry that spark of  tropical romance and love that have seen them through 27 years of marriage and all the ups and downs that accompany time lived together.

Happy Anniversary to my darling, adorable husband.


  1. Happy Anniversary to you both!
    Hugs and sparkles

  2. Happy Anniversary, Robin. What a beautiful love story. May you both continue to love, live, and have this wonderful friendship for many years to come.

  3. Happy Anniversary to two wonderful people! May the coming years bless you both with much Love, Laughter and Happiness. ♥

  4. Happy anniversary, you crazy kids! Aloha!

  5. Thanks so much for your sweet wishes!

  6. Congratulations !!!! I hope there will be many more tropical, spark-filled years ; )
    Have a great day.

  7. What a wonderful tale of love and living. Happy Anniversary and Aloha.......Linda

  8. Happy Anniversary! What a great love story :)

  9. Yay! Happy anniversary to you both! Hope your day is excellent!

  10. Happy Anniversary and lots of love ;o)

  11. Happy anniversary to you and your wonderful husband!


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