Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wiccan Rites--Outdoor Sacred Space

There is a cozy little spot in my backyard that is perfect for outdoor ritual.  We had torn down the old shed that was in this spot a couple of years ago, and dug up the footers that were used as support for the shed (my dear brother did the monstrous task of digging). I had the idea that these footers would be the perfect base for an altar, and having a large, flat stone from an old pond, one thing led to another and here we are:

The footers rest on a base of cinder blocks

Weighing about 150 pounds each

This flat stone is perfect!

Next step, I will be planting ivy to grow around and up the footers. All other plantings to follow will be white flowers. I call this space the Moon Garden now. White plants glow at night. How magickal it will be!!

The other part of my outdoor space is the Fire Pit. My husband and son did the hard work, helped by my brother.

Digging the hole, and then placing small rocks in the bottom
Placing the "bowl" of our old outdoor fireplace

Setting river rocks around the pit

The finished fire pit
I consecrated the fire pit the other night, burning sage and sweet grass and said a short but meaningful spell. The fire burned brightly and I expect to use this often, until the snows cover it. Mosquitoes tried to spoil our fun, but we soldiered through!!

I have not consecrated the altar yet, but will be doing that on the Full Moon. This will be an absolutely wonderful addition to my Wiccan rites. I thank my family so much for all their efforts for me. Everything we used for these projects were re-purposed items. And nobody hurt their back!!


  1. That is so cool. You're very lucky to have so much privacy in your yard. I miss my old place where I was totally enclosed by vines and bluebells.

  2. Robin how beautiful and magical! I am in aw, looking at your backyard! Oh wow! I can't explain what I am feeling! Perfect Robin!!!

  3. What an interesting use for the old footers. I like the fact that everything here came about by repurposing items.

  4. Oh wow. Those are awesome spaces. It makes me anxious for when we get our own house so I can do something like this. I am totally jealous now. Enjoy the spaces, they will be beautiful, lol.

  5. What a fabulous scared space you have created with the help of your family. It is something I have always aspired to and have yet to complete. I am still hopeful none the less.
    Congrats to you....Moon flower vine would be gorgeous there on your altar.

  6. robin - This is fabulous! I'm so jealous!

  7. Great additions to your yard, Robin! I love the fire pit idea. We have an old bowl I could use too. I'm adding this to my please honey do list. :-D

  8. what a wonderful space :)

  9. Oooh, I so want one! Especially, the one on the left... (I digress)... I've been contemplating a corner of my yard for someyears, now, trying to envision my quiet place. I'm almost there -- in my head, I mean -- but not ready because I don't want to hate it, as soon as I've put it in... to be continued...

  10. The place with and around the altar will look fantastic with Ivy and white flowers! Especially when the light is almost faded away. Looking forward to photographs when it is finished!

    Have a great day!

  11. What an awesome outdoor altar space and pit ~ I LOVE it, Robin!!!


    Love, Kim

  12. How cool is your outdoor space? I love the firepit and the re-purposed materials you put together to create your altar. I can't wait to see it crawling with beautiful plant life!

  13. Fire pits are wonderful! And I love that altar! Wonderful wonderful wonderful! woo woo!!

  14. Robin - I love love your outdoor space!!! Ingenious ideas - practical, economical and earth friendly!

  15. Oh, how fabulous! Your altar looks like a mini stonehenge, very cool. And love that firepit with the cover! I'd love to come to your place for a ritual!

  16. Most Awesome!!! The altar is going to be so magickal with ivy and white flowers. :0)

  17. Oh Robin, these are amazing! How wonderful that the men in your family did this beautiful work for you. They are both full of magical delight. Enjoy!

  18. I echo the awesome and amazing comments about the altar. Wow! And I think the fire pit will be very fun. Some of our neighbors have them and I can smell the smoke and hear them laughing as they gather around them.


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