Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Sampler

Quite a few blogs are talking about signs of spring---with photos to prove it. I wish I could, but no such sign here. In fact, as I type on this Sunday morning, the view out my kitchen window is of a blizzard-like snow fall. My spring photos will have to wait a while longer.

As you will have no doubt noticed, my blog has gone green. Very shamrock green, in fact. Of course this is to celebrate the happy St. Patrick's day observance coming up soon. I am not Irish. (Actually, I am Scottish-French) But I love pretending to be Irish during the month of March. And I adore Irish music. I have many cd's of Celtic music. A few years ago we went to see a live performance of  RiverDance 

Speaking of RiverDance here's a very quick video of a truly fine Irish dancer:  River Dance Dog
(make sure your volume is turned up) NOTE:  You will need to scroll down past two videos.

Bright and early tomorrow morning (monday 3/5) I am taking my brother to the hospital once again for a procedure to place stents in his kidneys. The first attempt last week was unsuccessful. This time it is being done by a team at the Interventional Radiology department. Fingers crossed for success.

It is difficult to focus on much else, besides what has been going on with my brother. Needless to say, I haven't had a chance to delve into all the magickal workings I have wanted to. I am hoping to do some posts for Ostara (Spring Equinox sabbat) coming up. If I get to decorate the house, I will take some pictures with Elphie (camera). Poor Elphie has not been put to much use.

Sending out loving energy to those devastated by the horrific tornadoes these last few days. Heart breaking.

Blessed be. Have a great day!~


  1. Riverdance Dog is hilarious! What a talented pup o' the Irish! Best wishes to your brother tomorrow for a successful procedure.

  2. Just a little snow flurries here. Wish it was a blizzard. I miss the snow this winter.

    Hope all go well with your brother. He will be in my thoughts.

    Blessings, V.

  3. Hoping all goes well with the procedure for your brother. I know you are dealing with this as you can.
    My hope is that you and Elphie find something delightful to observe and memorialize soon.
    Now as to the dog....Riverdance dog was so funny. Thanks for a really good belly laugh for me and Ry.
    Happy Sunday my BB, OmaLinda

  4. It has been a strange winter indeed here in PA! Hardly and snow so far (although it has been known to snow in April)!

    I am praying for your brother for a successful procedure and a safe and speedy recovery!

    Blessed Be, my dear friend ~


  5. Wow, love the festive background you've licensed from iStockPhoto, Robin!! You have inspired me to update mine as well. :-D Spring can't be far off for you, so hang on there, gf! Best of luck with your brother's procedure tomorrow.

  6. Hoping all goes well tomorrow for your brother. ♥ And hoping that Spring comes soon for you. :0)

  7. Ooooh, very green! I like it! Yesterday I heard a robin singing a lovely Spring song. But looking outside, it's still winter. I think soon, though. Hang in there.

    I'm pulling for your brother. It's hard to focus on things like magical work when family issues are taking priority - and that is how it should be. Our spirits walk with us every day, so magic is really never on hold!

  8. That dog is a much better dancer than I am :-) :-)
    The first video shows a swedish high jumper that won a gold medal in one of the olympics somewhere :-

    It is getting colder here again but thankfully no snow in sight. But I don't dare saying spring yet, we can have winter all the way in to late April up here.

    I'm holding my thumbs for good luck for Your brother!

    Have a great day!

  9. My friend, your blog looks very nice and green ;o) I'm wishing all the best for your brother ;o) Don't worry about focusing on anything else right now, he is your main concern ;o) We just had a sprinkle of snow this morning, not too much! Big Hugs!!

  10. I forgot to say, your River Dance Dog, made me laugh and smile ;) Thank you! Big Hugs ;o)

  11. Sandy, I use backgrounds provided by BLogger in their template designer. At the very bottom of my blog is the information.

  12. I love your green blog! I am Irish in my heart during March as well and would LOVE to see Riverdance.

    I truly hope the procedure went well for your brother this time. Sending healing energy my lovely friend. Mina

  13. Hang in there, sweetie! It'll be here soon enough. I'd have given a lot to see a week of below freezing temps here. It would have at least killed off some spores, mosquito larvae and maybe some of these horrid Asian stinkbugs. Hugs!

  14. All things intheir own time, be it magical wiorkings, Spring, or respite and healing for your brother. Hard to be patient, but all will happen when they should....

  15. I'm with you on the "won't be posting signs of spring for a while" either. But when it does come for both of us, you can be assured we will savor it all! ~Lili


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