Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wiccan Musings

Greetings, wonderful people. Thanks so very much for all the words of encouragement and support, and good advice your wrote to my last post. I have taken my brother to the hospital twice more since that post. Another surgery this coming Monday. My brother is definitely being put "through the wringer" as the saying goes. Hopefully things will settle down for a while and he can have a break from all this. He comforts himself with his favorite genre, Westerns, on cable. We are all "soldiering" through; that's all one can do.

Now that the reality of "life as we know it" has set in, the trick is to find a balance of some kind. My main task at this time is as caregiver. But I also have other family members, a home to care for (and believe me, it needs some caring for right now!) and all the other aspects of daily life that are not getting attention, some of which can slide for a while, others not so much. (I do want to say at this time, that the day I was bringing my brother home from surgery, and I had to watch my husband walk into the Emergency Room by himself when he was so dreadfully sick, was one of the most difficult times I have had in recent memory.) Talk about an emotional wringer. Look, I just sat with my mother 6 weeks ago and watched her pass through the Veil.

What kind of balance can I find? Trying the best to keep my Wiccan ways at the forefront, remaining steadfast in my commitment to the God and to the Goddess. But truly? My magickal life has suffered greatly. Daily practice is impossible, not even time for meditation, or a simple candle spell.

Shall I serve some cheese with this WHINE?

I know things will fall into place soon. The sabbat of Ostara next week is very important to me this year. New beginnings, fresh start, the growing season upon...growing not just plants for sure this year. But growing strength and hope and Balance. After all that is what the equinox is about.

So here's Bright Blessings for all one can hope for. Looking very much forward to a beautiful Spring for everyone.


  1. You're more than entitled to whine, so have at it. Can you tuck a book like a Celtic Devotional, or something by Patricia Monaghan in your bag so that when waiting for your brother to be done w/ this test or that, this treatment or that surgery you have something of a spiritual nature instantly handy to read and ponder? Pagan CDs (or musical downloads)? A small journal & pen you can pull out at such moments so you can record a prayer, an observation, a witchy incense you want to try? And hard as it can be when so consumed by sad, wearying events, one of the simplest ways to stay in touch witht he Divine is the act of giving thanks. I often fall asleep while giving thanks for everything from Elf's sweet face to the warmth of my beloved next to me to the scent of freshly mown grass. It will help you stay connected to the Divine no matter where you are. Hang in there....

  2. Robin, so good to hear from you ;o) You are not whining, you are talking from you heart ;o) I love Ashling's comment! Take her advice ;o) I often carry my stones with me. I hold them, give thanks, say a prayer ;o) Gather strength from all of us and know we are thinking about you and your family! Big Hugs ;o)

  3. Hang in there, Robin! May life improve soon for all of you!

  4. Oh Robin, my heart goes out to you! It's so hard when Life throws curve balls, one after another at you. I know. Try to grab a spare moment here and there for meditation or to enjoy a few of your favorite songs. Music has really helped me through some incredibly rough spots. Journaling helps as well. Sending peaceful, healing energy your way. ♥

  5. Whine away, my friend. It reduces stress!

    As Ashling said, books can be taken with you - so take some with you when you need to go to doctor's visits and hospitals. Tarot decks fit nicely in purses and can be handy for getting spiritual advice on the go. Light a candle and say a prayer/intention/blessing first thing in the morning an before bed just to make a connection. You only have a spend a few moments doing this but it will balance you and keep you connected.

    Whenever possible take spiritual baths - use sea salt/ Florida Water, herbal bath salts or special soaps with the magical associations of strength and protection.

    And of course, use this place to spill your guts. We're tough - we can take it.

  6. Self care is so important in caring for others. you can't take of others when your the one in need. Whether is morning, noon, or night, try to set aside some time for you, and time for you and hubby. Let others know unless its an emergency, this time is for...

    If there is a caregiver support group nearby, think about going from time to time.

    Thinking of you...

  7. Positive thoughts being sent your way Robin! You've gotten through some heavy stuff already so it's good to reflect on just how strong you have been through it all. ~Lili


Happy you stopped by my little blog. Please leave a comment, if you are so inclined. Bright Blessings to you!