Kittens doing great! Growing, playing, purring (yep our shy little Pixie is purring now!) They have been with us for 10 days and have become the stars of the household. (don't tell that to the dogs, please).
Olympics? Haven't gotten much opportunity to watch. To be honest, I hate watching commercial tv, drives me nuts.
I wanted to show off my gifts I received from Sandy Sandy when I visited her in New Jersey last week. Been so enamored of kittens, I haven't had a chance to focus on other things.
This beautifully framed picture of a robin was beautifully painted by Sandy Sandy. Is it not exceptional? I absolutely love it and it is now one of my treasured possessions. To see more of Sandy's art, please click on this link . It will take you to Sandy's blog, and there you will find beautiful things and links to her other websites. (please click on photos for a better view)
Sandy also give me this artful, inspirational and informational book on Animal Spirits. She both wrote the text and painted the illustrations. It is called An Awakening to the Presence of Animal Spirits. As described on the back of the book: "....the author/illustrator has created a simplified guide book which will help anyone with an open mind become more aware of the very real yet somewhat hidden layers of the natural world." There are many entries that feature the "symbolic and spiritual attributes of some of our planet's most common and popular creatures." This is truly a divine book representing much study and spiritual awareness on Sandy's part. Birds, animals, both wild and domesticated, marine life and more are shown. Knowing about these Animal Spirits will greatly enhance your life, both the mundane and the spiritual.
Look at this Christmas Cactus. I promise, Sandy, I will do my best to keep it alive and well. I love it.
This little kitty cat is a marvelous creation of Sandy's husband, Jerry. He takes castaway scrap metal, nails, bolts, railway pikes, horseshoes, you name it, and fashions them into the most delighful works of whimsy. So creative! I adore this cat, and he now guards the front porch.
Such gifts from such generous, kind people!!
Thanks for stopping by today. Wednesday is a special day, Lughnasadh, a Wiccan sabbat. I will share about it tomorrow. Stay cool.
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Pixie (isn't she cute) |
Such a lucky gal you are! :) Those are some pretty awesome gifts Robin. You can tell each one is filled with love. I especially liked the Animal Spirits Guide Book, something I practice all of the time. And, I love that Metal Kitty on your porch! Too Cool! :)
Your Pixie gal is adorable...I so wish I could have a kitten/cat. I'm allergic in my adult life, which is a real bummer. So I can live and love through you eh?
Have a Spectacular Day and Harmonious Week Dear Lady! :)
Happy Lughnasad to You and Yours...
Oh wow Robin, what special gifts, for a special person! The painted robin is beautiful! The book is amazing! Something I would love to buy! Christmas Cactus, you better take care of it well! Then she will bloom beautiful flowers for you ;o) The cat her husband made, I want so badly!! I love it!! So darn cute! (Robin, I think the hanging plant underneath the cat is dead, sorry to tell you) LOL! And, look at Pixie, doing a little dance ;o) Big Hugs and have a very special Lughnasadh ;o)
Dang it, Stacy, you and your Crow-eyes!!! spotting that dead petunia. Well, it has been very hot.
What a lovely grouping of art and love you received from Sandy. I love her husbands, metal work and her painting is wonderful. The key to getting your cactus to bloom is to deprive it of the natural process of coming to winter solstice. Less sun means more blooms for Christmastide. I've had one Christmas cactus since 1976. Always blooms in November if I leave it outside until Oct 1 and then bring it in....and it blooms again in March....crazy plant.
xoxo Oma Linda
How lucky you are, Robin. But then again, so is Sandy to have your beautiful friendship in return. Have a beautiful rest of the week.
Such special gifts. I love the picture of the robin. I had one as a pet before I left New Jersey way back when. Poor little thing had fallen from the tree, and as I ran out to save it, I was attacked by some rather angry birds. Needless to say, I did rescue the poor little thing and took it to the vet. Turns out that he was deformed and had been pushed from the nest. I bought him a nice cage, fed him, bathed him, (Oh how he loved his bath) and he was so happy, singing all the time. He certainly knew me. He lived for a little over a year before passing on.
A robin for a Robin -- is that like sweets for the sweet? And the book and upcycled kitty look amazing too!
Your gifts (and the kittens) are just fabulous!!! How wonderful!
Yes, I for one an so glad to say "good-bye and good riddens" to this summer! ;)
July has been as dry as a cork leg!! I am loving your post today! Pixie is adorable!!
What great gifts!
I never get anything when bringing a pet with me homes :-) :-) :-)
That cat he made is just amazing!
I wish I could agree with You about the month of July and that it has been to hot :-) :-) :-) But now at least I don't have to feel ashamed by sitting indoors looking at the Olympics :-) :-) :-)
Have a great day!
Dear Dear Robin - Thank you so much for your love, friendship and all your kind words. You are one special witch indeed! It really was wonderful meeting you and your hubby in person and I hope we make visiting a yearly ritual. I do wish we lived closer. I am thrilled that Pixie is purring for you!! GREAT NEWS - We caught the kitten's momma and had her spayed yesterday! She is in a cage in the shop recuperating. She is really a sweetheart. Maybe we can even tame her down a bit. Stay cool. Blessed Lughnsadh. Love, Sandy
Sandy is truly a gem! A very gifted person. And you are one lucky gal to have received some of her (and Hubby's) lovely creations.
Glad to hear that the Kittens are doing well. I knew they would flourish with your love and kindness. :0)
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