Monday, October 22, 2012

Life Cycles

Friday evening, I received a phone call from my Canadian cousin. He calls to tell me his mother, my mom's sister, has passed away. This is a shock to us all. Though she was 87, she seemed in good health. My cousin lives in Ontario and my aunt had moved out to British Columbia about 10 years ago. They had just spoken on the phone over Canadian Thanksgiving; she was in excellent spirits and living a social life, with many friends, and her various activist causes.

I can't believe it and I am feeling a bit numb. Having lost my mom nine months ago, it was comforting to know my aunt was still around; she was the connection to my mom and my Canadian heritage.

My cousin had a "roller coaster" day that day. Three hours after receiving the call that his mom was gone, his wife's daughter gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. Joy and sorrow. New life and bereavement. Life cycles vividly demonstrated.

Thankfully my cousin and I are close, both in friendship and distance. We will be heading up to northern Quebec to the place where all of us got together over the years. It will be early summer and the air up there, a combining of country farm fields, misty mountains and the St Lawrence river, will be special, sparkling and reminiscent of so many summers past. We shall raise a glass to our moms and honor them with great retellings of favorite stories, flavorful French-Canadian foods and a bonfire under the black velvet sky just inundated with millions of bright stars. The birch, pines, maples and abundant apple trees will add their comforting presence, soughing in the gentle breezes.

And a sweet memory will cause smiles and a few tears.  We shall feel the presence of these remarkable, beloved women, this I know.


  1. oh no..sorry to hear about your aunt but what a wonderful way you will all celebrate their existence. i love that part of canada and find it to be magical!

  2. Its a sad time, but a time to reflect on the joys.

  3. It's so painful when beloved family member's die. I'm so sorry about your loss and will be very happy to hear about your time with your cousin.

  4. Sorry for your loss...

    But you have lovely plans, for a future reminiscence.


  5. I'm sorry to hear about your loss, but what a wonderful way her family has chosen to celebrate her life.

  6. I am sorry to hear of your family's loss.
    I think it a wonderful plan for all of you to get together, and share stories. We all live on in the memories of those we loved, and who loved and miss us...

  7. My sincere condolences, dear Robin. When we lose a loved one, it brings us many mixed and varied emotions indeed.

    Have a safe trip, enjoy each others company, and begin the healing process, my friend.

    My thoughts are with you,


  8. So sorry for the loss, especially when the pain of your mother passing is still so fresh. Hoping the memories bring some gentle peace to the sadness.

  9. So sorry to hear about your Canadian auntie. She was the same age as my Mom. What a remarkable generation of women they represent. Sending you hugs and wishing you heart's ease in time.

  10. I'm so sorry for Your loss! It's always hard to loose a loved one especially if it is very unexpected. But it seems she lived life to the fullest and that the end was quick, something we all only can hope for.


  11. I'm so sorry to read this, sending warm and sustaining hugs.

  12. I am so sorry for your loss, my friend! Have a safe trip to Ontario! Smile lots and cry lots and enjoy your time with family! Big Hugs and many blessings!

  13. please accept my condolences on the loss of your Mom's sister. I know how fresh you loss is still and this has got to be hard to weather, but your plans with your cousin sound like a perfect place and way to honor two loved ladies. For all of your family, blessings, Oma Linda

  14. Focus on their lives...sorry to hear.

  15. So sorry to hear about your Aunt's passing. I guess the only comfort that can be taken was that she wasn't sick or had an extended illness. I also didn't know you had lost your mom so recently. I can certainly relate to the feelings you must feel with the two passings so close to each other. My mother died 10 years ago and my dad within the year after. while my mother's death was devastating to me, because she was everything to me, it was my dad's that hit me hardest because I felt that the connection had been broken. I love the sound of your summer reunion, toasting the good memories and that's what we should all do. (hug) Ann

  16. So sorry to hear of your aunt's passing. Never easy. Funny how life does the good and the bad together, a death, a birth. Take comfort. Blessings.

  17. So sorry to hear of your loss. ♥ And as you said, Life has come full circle. Now is the time to remember the good times and rejoice in the new beginnings that your extended family has been blessed with.
    Brightest Blessings! ♥

  18. Blogging is a little like passing someones house and peering through the window, nobody knows you passed unless you knock on the door - but I wanted to leave a comment, one stranger to another to offer you blessings in your time of grief and to reassure you that in time memories that are painful now will be comforting in the future - don't forget we carry a little of our loved ones inside ourselves so they are never completely lost from us. Betty

  19. ♥ ♥ ♥ (((Dearest Robin)))
    My condolences Dear on the passing of your Auntie. May you feel all the love being shared here and more and know that we all hold you close in spirit and in love.

    Your family coming together will bring you much peace I am sure.

    If you need a shoulder I've got big ones Beautiful One...and I really mean that.

    Love and Peace to You!

  20. I am so sorry for your loss, sweet Robin. You are in my thoughts and heart. Mina


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