Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Orange You Glad it's Almost Halloween?

The only time I enjoy the color orange is in the Autumn. (don't tell my husband because he is a huge Syracuse Orange fan!)

But what glorious shades of orange there are in the fall. We have had a vibrant autumn show which makes driving here and there so pleasant.  Along with shades of russet, bronze, copper, gold, deep red and all the other shades in between the scenery has been awe-inspiring.

Most of the trees are bare now, with a few holdouts. At AutumnWood, we discovered the source of all the hornets this past summer. A state-of-the-art nest hanging from a bare branch just a few feet away from the camper. You know I love Nature in all her glory, but hornets I could really do without.

In our walk through the woods the other day, we saw lots of nests high in the trees, mostly squirrel. Would love to know what other birds were nesting in there. I have been in bird heaven out there this summer spotting many new birds, some I haven't identified yet.

Speaking of photos, and we were weren't we? Still a little in a fix trying to figure out how to get pictures from my camera and phone onto the Chrome. You all most certainly remember my complete lack of techno-skill. But maybe I can coerce someone in my household to help out.  I have tons of photos to show you!!

Decorations are up around the house; the orange and black are enjoyable. Hope you all are orange-happy as well. Happy Hauntings.


  1. So good to see you back Robin, you've been missed.
    We've actually had a gloriously colourful autumn for the first time in many years!

  2. this is such a seriously gorgeous time of the year. i am enjoying every second of it!

  3. I am extremely envious of your foliage and acreage. Here in the city it's not all that colorful except we just put in an Oak tree and I have high hopes for acorns and leaves......

  4. "Orange you glad I didn't say Banana?" Remember that old joke?

  5. Don't talk to me about hornets! A week before my birthday, I was attacked by yellow jackets! I had like 10 stings all on the side of my head. They kept biting! Freaked me out! Mom had to go get me drugs! Then on my birthday, I had a delayed reaction and I woke up with both my eyes swollen shut! I took a picture, it's on my blog!! I hope you can post pictures soon ;o)


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