Merry Meet and Merry Part, and Merry Meet again

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Time Between Time

Post-Halloween Greetings! The predicted rain did not show up on Halloween night, so the Trick-or-Treaters showed up en masse! First year ever running out of candy after 2 and half hours. Some great homemade costumes and of course some very adorable little kids. And the usual teens, no costumes, holding pillow cases. Another Halloween come and gone.

Today is a glorious November morning with racing clouds and blustery winds. Leaves flying all around and squirrels scurrying for their last-minute winter supplies. I don't begrudge the squirrels all the seed their making off with from the feeders. Nor the lively chipmunks with their cheeks stuffed to near exploding size.

This is the time of year I love. The "time between time". The days and nights after Samhain; changing clocks back to standard time, the night rushing in upon us. It is like taking a deep breath and holding it until Yule comes. Sometimes I feel like the squirrels and chipmunks, as I make preparations for the long winter nights, the short winter days. Preparing not only for the cold, snowy weather and our winter holidays, but planning what is next on my pagan Path. How can I do better? How can I stave off negative energies that invariably crop up during the winter. What can I do to serve the Goddess? What should I focus on this year in my work for the environment? What does Nature need me to do? Many things to think about.

Wishing you all good things, because All Shall Be Well.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

i too love this time of year. i love the bare trees and how the mountains look. it looks like thanksgiving!

mxtodis123 said...

This is my favorite time of the year as well. The leaves here are finally starting to change. Today was a cold, crisp Autumn day, and I had no complaints. I absolutely loved it.

Not one child came to my door for Trick or Treat. I expected that, though, and didn't buy any candy since I usually end up eating it all, and I am trying to lose weight due to health issues. When I look back, it's been about 20 years since I handed out candy. It's different here in the city. Parents usually take their children out as soon as they get home from school, and they only go to the stores. Sad this is what Halloween has become here.

The Boston Lady said...

So good to read your last several posts and see that good times have returned to you! Your camper sounds wonderful as do your plans for the fall/winter. Just catching up and I hope to resurrect my blog soon. Ann