An amazing and wondrous sight very early this frosty Friday. In mind-boggling numbers, the sky was filled with grackles and blackbirds as far as the eye could see. This vast cloud went on and on and on for ten minutes at least.
The sound of millions of wings defies description.
It was an honor to witness such a gift of Nature.
Blackbird flock, similar to what I saw this morning |
Beautiful thoughts for a beautiful frosty morn!!!
Blessings, V.
Oh my. Wow. I think it is amazing. My husband would be under the couch, thinking his childhood fear had come to get him....the birds.
This truly is an awesome sight. Have a good weekend, Oma Linda BB
It's pretty cool down here as well. Couldn't help myself. Called in to work and went right back under the covers.
Oh Wow!! I can only image what a site that must have been to see! :0)
I haven't seen any like that here yet.
Have a great day!
Wow Robin, what an amazing experience! 10 minutes! Beautiful!
Lovely pics, just lovely! We are expecting SNOW for Samhain/Halloween around here. Should be quite interesting, although much too soon for me!!!!
One of my favorite sites to see. It's so amazing to see the shifting and hear their wings. Beautiful.
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