Friday, March 23, 2012

Norway Has Troll Problems!

A while back, a few months or more, my friend Jeanne, over at the delightful Candy Corn Chronicles blog
talked about a movie and posted the trailer. The movie was called "The Troll Hunter", a Norwegian production. The trailer was captivating and I knew I wanted to see this movie.(click here to watch trailer).  Well, fast forward to present day and frankly I had completely forgotten about The Troll Hunter.  But then, guess what? Browsing through the cable channels the other night, lo, and behold, there it was. So I set the movie to record on the good old DVR, and the next night, my hubby and I sat down to watch.

Filmed in the way that is all the rage these days: the handheld camera following all the action. Not as blurry or bouncy as some films using this technique (think "Blair Witch), the story follows young college students after a "big story". They talk their way into collaborating with a fellow they think is a  poacher who illegally hunts bears. After a crazy encounter in the middle of the night, in the middle of Norwegian woods (hey, the Beatles had a song called Norwegian Wood...oops, sorry I got distracted) with a monstrous creature, the game is definitely afoot.

Filmed entirely in Norway, with magnificent vistas and views of mountains, valleys, mysterious forests, this really is an entertaining movie. A few slow parts, but not enough to dissuade one from continuing on. There are a few scary moments, for sure.  Some humor and definitely running and screaming.  Don't be put off by subtitles, it is fun to listen to the Norwegian dialogue.

Will you believe in Trolls after watching this flick? 

I will tell you this....I have absolutely no plans whatsoever of ever, ever going to Norway!

Thanks, Jeanne, for the recommendation. (This movie is currently on cable, is available through Netflix here in the US, and most likely available on DVD just about anywhere.)


  1. I loved this movie! I have watched it several times. And Yep! I believe in Trolls! :0)
    Thanks for the 'shout-out'! ♥

  2. If there are faeries,and plant devas, and elves, why not trolls? How delightful a thought....from a distance!

  3. I've heard that it is a really good movie so I'll get it when available on dvd.

    Norway is together with New Zealand the most beautiful country in the world and I hope they show much of it in the movie!

    I don't know about the trolls in the movie but our here in Sweden are nice and kind :-) :-)

    Have a great day!

  4. This sounds great! Have to watch it! Thanks Robin ;o) I see you deleted your linky, I did too ;o Hugs my friend ;o)

  5. Stacy, yes, deleted the Linky...didn't seem to need it after all.

  6. I love this movie, too! It was very well done and the last troll was incredible!

  7. I had not heard of this movie so I went to watch the trailer and ... oh my goodness! I had no idea trolls were so large. It looks absolutely fun and entertaining and a must see. Trolls, indeed. It stirs my Scandinavian blood. Hugs, sweet Robin!

  8. Oooh. Another movie for my list! Now if I could only find the time to sit and watch them all!

    Thanks for the review!


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