Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring To-Do List

You all know I love my lists. So here is another one. Motto for the season: Just Do It!!

1.  Spring cleaning and witchy house cleansing. (Get to use the new/old besom (broom) I found at an antiques store)

2. Remember to get daily recommended dose of drumming and/or chanting.

3. Get into the Craft Corner and start crafting.

4. Spring yard work, garden clean up, clean containers, get pansies as SOON as they show up at the garden center.

5. Plan the summer garden:  what veggies? which herbs? how many perennials?

6. Get the Moon Garden in shape and plant ivy around the outdoor altar.

7. Plan the Full Moon esbat...prepare outdoor fireplace.

8. Go to favorite book store for some serious perusing, a cafe mocha and maybe even a decadent sweet treat.

I think I will stop here, thank the Goddess for the inspiration and possibly do Number 8 on the list first.

What's on your Spring to-do list??


  1. Great List! I love that motto. I say it all time time. Lol, and I'm in complete agreement, start with #8! ;-)

    Enjoy reading your post.

    Brightest Blessings!

  2. Spring is here in my part of the world. I'm weeding and planting - mostly weeding. Inside, dusting / sweeping/ vacuuming and still having to use the Swiffer dust mop. I'm also throwing out old books that no longer work for me.

  3. To read everyone else's lists :D



  4. I vote for # 8 first...one has to gird one's self to tackle the other 7. Your Full Moon esbat by the fire sounds perfect, too! Used to be part of a circle that never wanted to celebrate outside, and it drove me nuts!

  5. Sounds like a great list to me!!!! I'd do number 8 first too! LOL! Best wishes to you!!



  6. I think #8 should actually be the first item on the list! :0)
    My Spring To-Do List just consists of getting the yard in order.
    Wherever you start on your list, enjoy the little miracles of every day! :0)

  7. Making a semi-long term listy is something I really need to do! Love your list!

  8. It seems almost unanimous! Let's all meet at Barnes and Noble for some cafe and some treats!! See ya there!!

  9. You know Robin, I thought you would do number 8 first ;o) LOL! I have already raked the lawn and cleand the flower beds, but I know I have to rake the lawn one more time. Next on the list, buy earth and start preparing. I told you I like to clean ;o) I was even dusting my room early this morning, 6:00am ;o) Hugs my friend and enjoy your cafe mocha and decadent sweet treat ;o)

  10. Did I spell clean right? Oh well ;o) LOL!

  11. Hey Robin, all I know is that blogger is saying, they are getting a new look in April???? I can't tell you much more, sorry. I am still on the old blogger interface. As soon as I know anything, I will let you know ;o)

  12. Thanks so much for the visit, Robin!
    Yes, you'd love the book I am reading.
    ... A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.
    I usually wait till I finish a book before recommending it.. but I'm enjoying it so far. About a third of the way through now.

  13. I have already finished one thing on my to do list :-) I brought home those last windows today :-)

    But I'm not really a list person to be honest, I can't be since I do all my ideas very slowly and that list would take forever to finish :-) :-) :-)

    But since those windows are here now I better start planning that green house :-)

    Have a great day!

  14. I know this may sound weird but lists give me massive anxiety. When I put something to paper I feel as though it's, well, in paper. Permanent. Like if I don't do it I'm a fuck up. Then one day, my husband said "stop writing these lists. You know what you have to do." So, on my list of things that are not healthy for me, making lists is number 1.



Happy you stopped by my little blog. Please leave a comment, if you are so inclined. Bright Blessings to you!