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Sedum, Autumn Joy |
Twice a year we recognize the equal length of light and dark. In the Spring it is joyous to celebrate as the days begin to grow longer and brighter. In September, after the long, dry hot summer it is a relief to welcome the cooler, darker time. Though my preference is to have light in the evening, I know the earth and all upon it need the darkening days--to rest, replenish and for us to spend the darker months in contemplation and quiet, thoughtful pursuits.
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Rowan berries |
I am a Wiccan who practices a solitary path. I call the Autumn Equinox the name Mabon and celebrate this event in quiet ritual. Candles, music, incense. Thanking the Gods for the beauty and richness of Summer, and thinking about how the Summer was spent, what I learned, what I did....in other words, a review of how life was led on the Wiccan path during the wonderful days of warmth and light.
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Chrysanthemums |
Now it is time to put the gardens to bed and let Nature begin its long sleep. I am fortunate to live in a region that has four distinct seasons, so tracking the Wheel of the Year's turning is as easy as looking out the window. As a Wiccan, though, the Turning of the Wheel has a more spiritual meaning for me and I embrace these next few months as a time to be introspective....writing, meditating, nesting, drawing the things to me that represent warmth, love, hearth and home.
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Here is a wonderful post by one of our favorite Wiccan internet writers, Patti Wigington from About.com's Wicca/Paganism site.. The post is called Ten Ways to Celebrate Mabon, and has such simple, wonderful and "autumny" ways to observe the Wiccan sabbat that occurs at the Autumn Equinox. Click on this link to read: Mabon celebration ideas
Baking apple desserts is on the agenda this weekend. I shall save you a piece of Apple Cake.
Blessed Mabon to you and yours.
I'll be joining you with the apple baking. Looking forward to some nice aromas wafting through the house tomorrow.
Mabon Blessings to you and yours! ♥
Autumn brings such a relief!
Love the autumn faery! Mabon blessings to you and yours, Robin. Including all your pets, of course.
blessed mabon! i too will be making apple crumbles this weekend! bring on fall!!!
Blessed Mabon to you...I'm ushering it in w/ a visit to a small fiber fest north of here, candles, cider, and some gentle contemplation. Wishing you a joyous celebration and most wonderful turn of the Wheel.
PS--love your blog facelift!
Blessings of Mabon to you and your family! I too shall be partaking in the apple bounty that we received from a lovely friend. 35 pound box of apples...I think I have my work cut out for me!
Blessed Mabon Robin...I can envision sitting with you in your warm and homey kitchen eating a bit of apple cake with you. :) Yummy!
Your seedum with the beautiful pink heads are just like mine. Mine are huge this year. I picked some yesterday and brought them in.
I need to go out and rescue my lavender today before the frost hits tonight...it's a tad chilly here.
You've prompted me to bake some apples today, lol, it was banana breads yesterday. Looks like a nice pot of vege soup will be on the menu today with some crusty bread...wanna come over? :)
Have a meaningful Mabon and may peace and abundance come to you and your beautiful family...
Mabon Blessings to you and yours, my friend!
It is our 11th Wedding Anniversary today, but we will not be actually celebrating until this comming week (long story..) LOL!
Brightest Blessings!
Wishing you a beautiful and abundant Mabon
I'm not especially happy about this day because this means we soon only will have around eight hours of daylight, as best. I've had enough of cool weather as well :-) :-) Otherwise I love autumn.
I wish You a blessed Mabon.
Happiest Autumn Equinox to you! I love this time of year too (what witch doesn't?)
Love the pic of the rowan berries. We have a tree here that we call "Mountain Ash" which is in the rowan family and looks almost identical. I love seeing them all full of berries right now.
Mabon blessings to you and all. So beautiful Robin, to put your garden to rest and let Mother Nature sleep... just inspiring.
Apples do make a great fall celebration. I might have to go and get some myself ;-)
Happy (and plentiful) holiday, Robin.
Mabon blessings to you and your loved ones Robin ;o) Beautiful post my friend ;o)
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