First things first: Today is the birthday of everyone's favorite Crow Painter, Stacy! Her blog is a fun place to visit to see these terrific paintings. She has a knack for capturing crows in all kinds of whimsical, serious, spiritual and lovely ways. Unfortunately, her computer just crashed, so she won't be able to post any of her art this week. If you get a chance, though, stop by her blog and leave a birthday message.
While visiting the Pagan Autumn Festival this past Saturday, I found a booth that was selling all kinds of plaques. Amongst these artistic creations was something I have been looking for. For a very long time. Though I want actual statuary, the plaque I found is a perfect substitute until I find my statue. Gargoyles are more than just a pretty face, you know. Empowered with energy and intent, they are significant factors in house protection. We will mount this plaque near our front steps to keep negativity at bay. Please say hello to my little friend, Greygore.
Isn't he beautiful? |
Pouring down rain today with forecast of high winds. A good day to get a lot done inside, I'd say. Have a terrific day whatever your weather might be!!
Greygore is lovely indeed! I'm glad you found him :)
Happiest Birthdays to dearest Stacy at everything she does is magic, Magic Love Crow.
I didn't know that you liked gargoyles....hmmmmm good to know. I love Graygoyle. Lovely guardian for your door. I've a fascination with the ugly darlings myself.
We also will be having crazy wind but no moisture today so I'm off to take pictures of thingies for Etsy and Ebay. Have a super indoor day BB, Oma Linda
Welcome to Greygore...and enjoy the rains!
i am loving this weather. anything but heat and sun is a blessing these days. it poured here earlier! hi greygore!
Everyone is getting rain except us here in So. Cal. I want it so badly! I love your gargoyle, he's wonderful. And happy birthday to Miss Crow herself.
We've plenty of rain, too...and wind. I love it.
I do like gargoyles! I have a friend that makes them in clay and I'm thinking of buying one from her :-)I really like Yours too!
Have a great day!
Hiya Greygore! *waves* Nice to meet you!!!
Robin, When I was visiting my mom in early Spring, we went to a statuary place and found all kinds of cool stuff for our gardens. My favorite things were in their 'imperfect' section. A good price and it had that 'already old' look to it. This may be something that is just done in the South, but you could check around -a gargoyle statue would be impressive.
Greygore is a most handsome chap! :0)
I am a big fan of gargoyles. I have a whole collection in my parents's home.
Big Hugs Robin! You didn't have to post about my birthday! This is so special of you! Thank you! Oh, and I love Greygore so much! As you know, I have 4 Gargoyles myself and I think I might add another this year ;o) Never can have to many!
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