Friday, February 15, 2013

Crazy Friday, and it wasn't even the 13th!

Wow, the news today was out of this world, wasn't it? The huge meteorite crashing into Earth. An asteroid passing close by Earth. And a floating disaster in the guise of a relaxing cruise ship limps back into port. (and those poor passengers who finally get off the ship, get on a bus, and the bus breaks down).

I am happy to be landlocked and safe from ships. Of course no one is safe from flying space debris, but really, the odds are rather slim. Unless you live in Russia.

Other than the above, it was a quiet calm day all the way around here, and that is how I like it, usually. Of course we don't get a newspaper on Fridays, so who knows what was going on, lol!

Anyway, wishing you a fantabulous weekend. We are going to be trying to catch up with some chores and might even do something fun.

Take care, bright blessings!!


  1. Oh honey, don't sweet it. Just wear you tin foil bonnet and nothing can harm you, don't ya know. tee hee.
    Have a wonderful weekend and don't rock the boat and do have fun. Oma Linda

  2. It was a peaceful Friday here in Fort Worth. Hope you and yours have a great weekend.

  3. Oh my god, Robin, right? I make my time go by at work by reading the news and I read both those stories and I thought the same thing...basically WTF!?!?

    And suddenly my life seemed so simple and blessed. :)

  4. It was a crazy day, wasn't it? I hadn't heard about the bus breaking down. Those poor people. Hoping you have a wonderful weekend.

  5. I hope you have a great weekend Robin! For sure, do something fun ;o) Wasn't that horrible what happened in Russia! Those poor people! And, the poor people from the boat. I wouldn't be going on a cruise again!!! Take Care and big hugs ;o)

  6. Yes poor people on that ship and poor people that lived in the area where the asteroid hit.
    But all those things seems so far away when living in a village at the outskirts of the world :-)

    Have a great day!

  7. Have a wonderful weekend too
    Hugs and Sparkles

  8. Creepy yet scarey at the same time, right? Have actually seen the footage? WOW!

    Wishing you a fantastic weekend, my dear sister!



  9. The asteroid footage blew my mind! If I thought too much about things like that I would never go out of my house, or rather my bombshelter that perhaps I should build.

    Cruise from You-Know, no thanks! I know there are worse things, but I imagine a lot of people got sick from all the, ahem, germs that were on the loose.

    If you need any Friday updates, just ask me. I can at least give you the version I get out here! Ann

  10. Some times I appreciate these reminders that life is ephemeral and that the universe does exist in a more tangible way. Brings life into perspective.

  11. It was just the Universe shaking her hair ;-)

  12. Catching up on chores, is just what I did today. I'm not even all the way caught up, but hey, it's better than it was before.

    Even went to Kmart and got some groovy new containers for all my baking stockpile needs.

    Life is good.


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