11-12-13! What a great date; at least in American format. Just wanted an excuse to type today's date.
I have been having some computer glitches, such as very slow, or freezing up.Makes blogging very frustrating. Hopefully I can get through this post with no problems.Fingers crossed.
About the doctor's appointment last week:I am happy to report that the new surgeon we met is very knowledgeable, confident and caring. He spent almost an hour talking with us and going over everything with us. He has formed a plan for my husband's care, and we feel very good about this. My husband feels more relaxed than he has in months!
Our daughter Raethan came for a weekend visit to celebrate her dad's birthday. A short but fun visit, with family board game time, good food and a trip to AutumnWood so Raethan could finally see our property for the first time. Cold, cloudy and drizzly did not keep us away.
Raethan at AutumnWood |
Here is something interesting. Remember the old falling down building at AutumnWood I talked about last week? Nicarus and Raethan could not resist taking a peek inside. I was nervous about the roof collapsing, but all was well. Raethan went in briefly and took a few steps inside, while her brother held open the door. She said there are a lot of rusty old bikes, old tires, old milk cans, some kind of tractor and a weird looking pump. Her eyes lighted on a steamer trunk, and naturally she had to drag it near the light from the door to open it. Fortunately, nothing awful sprang out at her. Unfortunately the only thing in the trunk was a newspaper--no hidden treasure!! But the newspaper, though yellowed, moldy and torn was from August 2, 1942. We were able to read few pieces here and there. An article with recipes for vegetables from your Victory Garden, a coupon for postage stamps to use to send letters to "our boys"; 48 stamps for 5 cents!! Some of the advertisements were hilarious. It was fun, but the paper got very brittle and fell apart.
I have to wrangle my kittens into carriers this afternoon for a visit to the vet; annual checkup. I am dreading it mainly because Pixie is a demon to catch. She does not like being picked up, so a stealthy plan is in order to grab her without her being aware of the waiting transport. If she knows, she will take off to parts unknown, hiding under places we cannot possibly get to. Wish us luck!!!
Very cold today. Flurries around and about. Stay warm and cozy, safe and sound!