Back after a wonderful holiday with family and food and hilarity. Getting back into non-holiday mode has taken a little longer than I expected. But now all the decorations are put away, all the delicious foods and treats are gone and it is time to start getting things done!!
I don't know about everyone else but we have had frigid weather. Not as much snow, but terrible temps. Makes you want to curl up in a very warm cave and wait for summer!!
I used to hate January as it seemed to be such an anti-climax after the holidays, and nothing much to look forward to for a long while. But these days, I appreciate the month more because I can take the time for planning, creating, reading, meditating without the distraction of beautiful warm weather or all kinds of events. I stopped making New Year's Resolutions a long time ago, though I do like to think about the things I should change or delete. What better time than cold blustery days to sit by the fire making lists, daydreaming or just plain thinking!
Time for some tea and perhaps a nibble of something.
The fireplace is calling me. See ya soon! Robin.
is there a photo here?? |