Inspired by the Valentine vibe in the air, I have been thinking about Love. Not LOVE as in "I LOVE my husband" (which of course I do, he is a sweetie!), but of all the
things I love: ideas and books, animals, gardens, collections, memories, hobbies.....all those things that help make you, You and me, Me!
I like to think that I am a well-adjusted, happy Wiccan. I love being Wiccan, truly! Wicca has made me feel complete and truly part of Nature. Someday very very soon, I am going to blog more about being Wiccan, why I am Wiccan and what I Love about being Wiccan!
Today, though, I am feeling nostalgic, sentimental, perhaps a little sad, because I think about my mom who just passed away two weeks ago. Not sad in a horrible way, with sobbing and hand-wringing and all that. Just wistful for the days gone by, and how a lot of the things I have are gentle reminders of happy times, or are comforting things. I enjoy my little collections and some have no reason at all for living with me, other than I love 'em!!
I know a lot of you are collectors; gatherers of "stuff" and "good junk". After all, part of being a responsible member of society is to do our part to reduce what goes into the landfills. (you know, Reduce, ReUse, Recycle, Repurpose).

Now we don't have a very big house. There is not a lot of storage. My husband and I share a closet about the size of a mouse hole. But we have lots (lots and lots) of Books. Wow, dontcha just love books!!! And yes, we do re-read a lot of them. Some of them are parts of series or by favorite authors. We have a lot of sci-fi/horror. Fantasy. Mysteries. Historical Fiction. And I have a ton of non-fiction books, including a large Wiccan/Pagan collection, gardening, crafting, birding and other nature subjects, and, oddly enough, books on collecting! (lol). The books are all over the place, on shelves, tops of chests, in baskets and there is an unfortunate group of books in an old laundry basket waiting for a shelf to go up somewhere. But I love these books, and can't imagine living without them.
A basket of my books |
I love my pottery collection, including very old things from my mom's family in France and Switzerland. I love the birdhouse collection, the stones, dishes, blue and white "anything" collection. I love my husband's beer steins and all his Navy memorabilia. There are many collections, some maybe only consisting of 2 or 3 items. I collect magazine articles: these help me collect ideas for all kinds of projects around the house, for planning gardens, for daydreaming, for inspiration.
China Hutch #1 |
China Hutch #2 |
A few of my collections.
Blue and White and Copper |
Clutter? Dust catchers? Taking up space? Perhaps. Love them anyway. Could I live without them? Yes, of course, because after all, they are just material things. For now, I love living with these things. And love is a many-splendored thing!
Do you love to collect? I'd love to hear about it.
Valentine Images Source
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