The thing about bears is that I have been having nightmares for two or three years. Scary nightmares of bears attacking, chasing me or family members, of bears crashing into the house and roaming throughout looking for us. Always waking up panicky.
Well, not quite this scary, but still....!
One day last summer I had a discussion with son Nick about this. He thought about it for a little bit and said for me to try to look at these dreams in a different way. Instead of running away, I should turn and face the bear. Perhaps the bear had a message for me.
Funny, huh? I wasn't feeling it.
But I told Nick I would think about it. And let my thoughts at night, before sleeping, focus on not being afraid of bear dreams, and possibly (
possibly) trying to connect with the bear on a friendly level.
Months pass. Still scary bear dreams. I seem hopeless at controlling a dream, or the fear. Obviously I have a block.
A few weeks ago I read a book called
"Zoo" by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge. A scifi novel about wild animals going bad. And of course there is a scene where our hero is sleeping in a hotel room and is awakened by bears breaking down the door and running into the room and killing him. Oh, the hero didn't actually die because it was a
Should I really be reading this kind of book?! I think not!
I finished the book. And gave it to my husband to read (I do recommend the book). When he finished the book we discussed it. I explained about the "wild bear" scene, that it was disturbing and did not help my bear fear. Then I raised my voice: "If these bears have a message for me, or they want to be my totem (or power animal) then the Universe has got to send me a sign!" We laughed about it, but I was serious. I am tired of being scared of bears!
THE VERY NEXT DAY: !!!!!!!!!!
Inside this carefully wrapped box is a sweet, charming, cute bear. A Boyd's Bear. Just adorable and tear inducing and then goose-bump raising!
The Universe sent me my requested sign. A bear. Made possible by the somehow-knowing hands of Stacy and her mother. Bless their hearts and so many thanks for the love and the friendship.
(Of course I had to call her and we had a fabulous conversation, as if we talked on a regular basis at the kitchen table with tea and cakes)
And so my love affair with Bear is in its beginnings. Reading all I can, and hope to have a friendly loving meeting with Bear soon.
I can bearly wait!!!!!!
unfortunately my camera is out of action at the moment, but I will post a photo of the sweet bear Stacy sent next time.