A rainy, coolish day. But a little rain won't keep a Wiccan and her family, driving from Pennsylvania, getting together with a Wiccan in New York. Kim, also known as Lady Caer Morganna from her blog
http://thewiccalife.blogspot.com/ along with her husband and his parents, are headed north to Ontario, Canada to partake of a cruise. In order to get from Pennsylvania to Ontario it is necessary to pass through New York, specifically, Syracuse NY. And who lives in the Syracuse area? Me.
So a few emails and phone calls later, a bit of geographic confusion on both our parts, we settled on a meeting place. The anticipation definitely built up over the few days before our rendez-vous. How great to meet someone in person that you have known close to two years! Between reading each other's blogs, commenting, emails, etc, a friendship grows. You all know how that goes, right?
Robin (sitting) and Kim |
Trying to lean out of the glare from the windows behind |
A memorable time with giggles and chatter, chuckling and smiles. Great company! Kim's husband is very sweet and his parents are adorable! A true pleasure to meet them and enjoy a meal together.
Kim and I had gifts for each other. The photo below is of the beautiful presents Kim gave me.
Beautiful gifts from Pennsylvania Dutch country. I will treasure always. |
Here is Kim looking at the journal I gave her.(a tiny bit of her hubby there too) |
Our get-together was too short, of course; short, but sweet. A heart-warming meeting of kindred spirits, Wiccan sisters, true friends. I am certain we will meet again.
Kim waving farewell |
And off they go on their great adventure in Ontario. In spite of the weather, a beautiful day.
Merry Meet and Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again!!
Oh, that is amazing. I'd love to meet some of my blogging buddies one day. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us.
Very cool Robin! I hope we can meet in person one day!
Wonderful! I love meeting other bloggers. Of course, at some point I'm going to have to change my profile picture - I've been letting the color grow out of my hair... You both are beautiful. Glad to hear of your merry meeting.
What a great get-together! So nice to meet a sister blogger, especially one on the same spiritual path!
Robin, what a wonderful meeting for both of you...what fun!!! I sure did enjoy all of the photos :)
Big Hugs,
It is always fun to meet blogging friends :-) Most of my blogging friends lives on the other side of the ocean though so I doubt I'll ever do that :-) :-) :-)
Have a great day!
How awesome that you were able to get together with a Sister!!! :)
Looks like y'all had a great time.
I'd love to meet a Sister Blogger...
That is SO WONDERFUL, Robin!! I'm thrilled you had a chance to meet a good friend in person!
Congrats on the win from Magic Love Crow's post for Magaly. I'd call that combination of the three of your energies.....perfection. Oma Linda
Robin, this is fantastic! I am smiling, ear to ear ;o) I love the photo's ;o) What a special time for the both of you! I would have loved to meet Kim, while she was in Ontario, but she was going to be too far away from where I lived. I would have loved to meet both of you! By the way, the snowball tree flowers have no scent. Mom loves that tree. She says it's an old tree. She remembers it from when she was a child. They can grow to be very big! You were right about Mother of Dragons ;o) Big Hugs ;o) Thanks so much again for sharing your visit with Kim ;o)
What a delight to be able to meet someone from the blogosphere! I know everyone had tons of fun! :0) And thanks for sharing y'all's lovely visit with us! It means a lot to be included. ♥
This is a very sweet post! How lovely the two of you could meet in person and have a grand visit!
Such a nice way to meet blogging buddies who are sometimes closer to us thatn "real time" friends. Love the Amish presents from Kim. It would be great if all wiccan/pagan bloggers could meet at some type of blogging conference or party.
Sorry for reading this late! How great to meet fellow bloggers! Makes the community feel REAL! :)
Hi Robin! Hi everyone! It's just me, Kim, dropping by as I am kind of limited access to the internet until we get back home on Friday. LOVE the sweet post and you can be sure that I will treasure our time together always! I am so very grateful we could finally meet! Talk to you all again soon.
Brightest Blessings all!
What you met at Cracker Barrell not Barnes and Noble? Oh no full lunch menu there.
Oh Robin, what a wonderful opportunity. I am so happy that you were able to meet and have such beautiful company. Brightest blessings to you both, my lovely friend. Hugs, Mina
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