Going through a regular day, a day of routine, nothing special happening, there are still glimpses of wonder, mystery, beauty, melodrama and the occasional "huh?"
A phone call from a friend worried about a tiny hummingbird. This little ruby-throated female seems to be a straggler, left behind, lost or perhaps too young to follow its fellows on the southern migration. Winter is coming and if this little bird doesn't leave, it surely means death.
A mother waits for her kindergartner to return from school. She stands at the bus stop, texting continuously. The bus arrives, the child navigates the steep bus steps and hops off. Her mother is still texting as the little girl runs up. The mother turns and starts walking home, texting, ignoring the child's excited voice trying to describe her day at school. Not once does the mom stop her texting.
A house across the way is in a constant state of upheaval. Loud, shrill voices float about the neighborhood on a daily basis. Family members in vicious tirades, cursing, name-calling.
At the grocery store, a woman assists her elderly parent with the weekly shopping. The parent is slow, confused and tires easily. The daughter is patient, loving and carefully explains things to the parent.
Teenagers on bicycles ride crazily across the main road, zigzagging back and forth, causing traffic to slow down. Fingers are thrust up here and there.
The most beautiful golden retriever is walked by its proud owner. A jaunty kerchief tied around the dog's neck.
Several large formations of Canada geese are flapping and honking across the sky. It seems some get out of line, and the honking increases. The wayward birds hastily return to the group and it is smooth sailing again.
The sky is a shade of blue only seen on an early fall day. A few white puffy clouds float dreamily along.
A funeral procession drives slowly to the cemetary, lights flashing, each car with its special flag. The gleaming silver hearse seems too fancy.
Someone's burning trash in their yard and the smell rises, along with thick smoke. If the temperature was colder, it would be pleasant.
Running with an apple firmly clutched in its mouth, an unusual black squirrel negotiates the shrubs and trees and dangerous streets, making his way up a tall maple to enjoy his ill-gotten booty.
Frying fish. That is what that aroma is, drifting over fences into open windows. A good dinner for a family tonight.
Oh, the signs are popping up everywhere. Big signs, little signs, reproducing somehow overnight. Red, white and blue signs proclaiming the best, the brightest. Perfect promises. Vote, vote, vote. There will be many, many more signs before that Tuesday in November.
Looks to be a beautiful sunset tonight, already the clouds are becoming tinged with golds and pinks. And soon the stars will be twinkling as they do every night, when the sky is clear. There will be a half-moon tonight and then the day is done.