In the mail, a large white box. In the box, a bunch of white paper. Under the paper (no bubblewrap, sadly!) the most charming wreath. From dear Kim at
Click on the photo for a better view |
I have hung the wreath on my fireplace. It looks perfect there. I love how Kim wove the pentagram with brown ribbon. The little wood shapes are cats in various seasons and poses. Purrrrfect! Also, if you look closely you can see two of my brooms, a braid of sweet grass and on the right the sweet bow and button heart that Oma Linda from OldBaggs and Stuft Shirt blog sent me a few months ago. I have received wonderful gifts from my dear blog friends. These gifts definitely add good energy to my home.
Thanks, Kim and also the dear Midnight (a very sweet black kitty) for this lovely blog giveaway!!
Hello Robin Larkspur,
Everything I see in that picture is extremely beautiful!!!
What wonderful friends to know!!!
The perfect space for this beautiful wreath from Kim!!! Your fireplace is lovely and made even more so with gifts from your friends, Robin. Kim's gift looks as though she made it just for you and your home. Beautiful energy can be felt just looking at this photo~~~
Blessings & Hugs,
Oh Robin, it looks GREAT hanging in your living room in front of your fire place!!! And I just love your brooms, too!!! Fabulous!
Midnight and I are so very happy that your enjoy the wreath!!!
Blessed Be ~
Lovely! The wreath adds the perfect finishing touch to your beautiful witchy fireplace.
It's wonderful to have a place to put the physical reprentations of love from friends all together for the full effect. It's cause you are so loveable BB......Oma Linda
You are right Robin; it's a purr-fect addition to your heart warming hearth. Congratulations! :-D
A very pretty wreath which looks fantastic on your fireplace! As do the rest of your lovely gifts! The love can be felt in this photo. :0)
What a lovely piece and such a cool surprise to receive. Nothing like a bit of magic in the day to make one smile!
Robin, the wreath from Kim looks so beautiful hanging on your fireplace. I am fortunate to have two of Kim's wreath's and I love them so much! Your brooms are beautiful! I love sweet grass! Isn't Oma Linda special! And, you are so right, these precious gifts do bring such good energy! Big Hugs ;o)
Creative piece, nice addition to the mantle. The brooms are creative.
B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! What a lovely surprise for you Robin. Perfect spot for it along with your wonderful brooms creating much "feel good" energy amist. Have a wonderful magickal day Robin! :)
What kind and wonderful gifts! Thankyou for sharing them here. :)
Jess xx
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