My husband and I took our sweetie, Lexie-Girl to the vet this morning. She has not been feeling well this past week, and we noticed swelling in her "lady parts". Turns out she has a pretty serious infection, and will require surgery on Monday. She received a big shot of antibiotics today. Needless to say this is upsetting, but our wonderful vet said he anticipated no problems at all, she should fully recover.And hopefully all the blood work will turn out fine, as well. It is always such a worry when our furry family members get sick.
Lexie turns 11 years old in 10 days. She is our big, galumpy, heart-of-gold, tail-of-lashing-death baby dog! Send out a little doggy-healing energy towards this adorable sweetheart. Thanks!!!
Lexie |
Aww, poor Lexie-girl! I will definately send out some good healing energy and thoughts to her for a speedy recovery and I pray everything goes well!
Huge hugs,
Oh, poor baby! I will keep her in my thoughts. What are they going to operate on? Heal Lexie-Girl, heal!
for Lexie and her lovely humans, I will of course light a healing and strength candle. She is such a dear looking beastie. XOXO Oma Linda
Poor little girl!
Lots and lots of positive thoughts are sent from us in Sweden!
Sending lots of healing white light her way -- good luck on Monday, Lexie!
Sending lots of healing and hugs to Lexie.
Sending some lovin' to your pretty girl! I hope the surgery goes well and she's feeling right as rain in no time. <3
Poor Lexie, poor you guys. Wishing her a quick & easy surgery & rapid recovery!
My thoughts of healing go out to her from my heart.
What a sweet face! My thoughts are with you as I only know too well what its like when a part of the furry family is poorly. Fingers crossed for Lexie. She will feel so much better after surgery!
Poor Lexie-Girl! I will be lighting a candle for her and sending her some healing energy! Big Hugs Lexie ;o)
Give Lexi a hug from me!
I know it's so hard when one of our Fur-babies becomes ill. Sending lots of healing energy Lexie's way! ♥ ((hugs))
I've never met a grey muzzle I haven't wanted to kiss.
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