Merry Meet and Merry Part, and Merry Meet again

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Gather ye rosebuds....and soap......and books.

Ooooh!! A sunny day! At least for the moment! Must run outside!!! The weather has been so rainy, even some hail the other day. I think I saw some robins with webbed feet.

You know what Friday is? This Friday, the 20th of June? Of course you do. Summer solstice is arriving, or as Wiccans call it, Litha. The longer light in the evenings has been enjoyable. What is nicer than sitting outside on the porch of an evening, listening to the birds chatter before their bedtimes? The garden takes on a different look, subtle and soft. White blooms start to glow and beckon. If there be fairies, they are warming up the strings of their musical tools, preparing for a summer night's concert.

Look at these roses I procured at our grocery store, Wegmans!!!

I wanted to show off the soaps I received from The Publicist at the blog, The Maaaaa of Pricilla 
AbbyGoat from the farm recently birthed triplets, yes three boys! And she and The Publicist needed help naming these little rascals. The three names I submitted were selected!! Ricky, Rudy and Rory! They are adorable, go take a look! The prize? I got to choose three soaps made from the milk of the wonderful goats!
Here they are: Click on the photos to see better. The bottom photo shows Pricilla, grandmother goat of Abby's kids.

One of the ways I occupied myself during the long hours in hospital rooms, surgery waiting areas, and many weeks of being my husband's caregiver was to read. And boy did I go through some books. Is there any room left in my brain to hold any more words? (of course!!) I was stacking the books up the other day and trying to figure out where to put some more book shelves.

As I said, it is sunny and beautiful today, so I want to take advantage. Take care and hope all is well where you are!

Sorry, Pixie, you are an indoor cat, you are not allowed to come outside with me. Okay?

Scary Pixie


Anonymous said...

The opposite here today, cloudy and now rainy. I hope this doesn't bring more flies because we've never had this little flies since I moved here :-)

Of course I know what day it is on Friday, our biggest holiday and all pagan it is too :-)

Have a great day!

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Pixie's adorable! Just look at those teeth!

Can't wait for Litha...evening plans all laid out. May yours be blessed!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i am so excited for summer solstice! the roses are beautiful! i LOVE patty's soap. i stockpile it and use it every day!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You're a goat-namin' whiz! Enjoy those beautiful soaps!

Magic Love Crow said...

Awwww, poor Pixie!!! What a great picture Robin!! You have a lot of books girl!! Wow!!! Enjoy ;o) I love the soaps you won! Excellent names you picked ;o) Love the flowers! Hope you enjoyed your day ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

Jeanne said...

Adorable photo of Miss Pixie. :0)
You went through just one or two books.... LOL! The roses are so pretty. And unusual. Are they scented?
Enjoy the evenings with Hubby!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Glad to see your life coming back around to "normal". And I can hardly wait for Litha......we've made our thimble cookies and are ready with glitter pudding for the fae. Your flowers are gorgeous....must find some around these parts.
Oma Linda

Magaly Guerrero said...

Those roses look incredible. I've never seen their kind before; so whimsical. Maybe Pixie would like one?

c. Joy said...

Wow! Those flowers are beautiful. Hope you're having a wonderful - clean - day. ;)