Merry Meet and Merry Part, and Merry Meet again

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May First

A rainy Beltane. No worries, though. There is time enough for bonfires and swinging on the porch. I am just happy to turn the calendar page to this merry month.

We have had several hard frosts in the last week. Putting a bucket over tulips hopefully has saved the late spring bloomers from certain death. Central New York has many apple farmers, and they have been putting in long hours with smudge pots and big fans hoping to save their apple blossoms from the nefarious freezing temperatures. Fingers crossed for them!

image source

Since it was cloudy drizzly afternoon yesterday, I went to my Wiccan bookshelf and leafed through several books reading or re-reading Beltane passages. It is interesting to read things I had forgotten, or to look over some favorite paragraphs. An hour or so of refreshing my memory is time well-spent (and believe me, my memory needs quite a bit of refreshing these days!!)

I also opened my new Witches Almanac, Spring 2012 thru Spring 2013. (
It contains "...pictorial and explicit delineations of the magical phases of the Moon," as well as astrological information, articles on topics ranging from Moon gardening, seances, folklore, tarot, weather and so much more that would interest witches and anyone interested in natural or metaphysical subjects. It's a handy reference and I look forward to using it this year. The Witches Almanac is published in Providence, Rhode Island and Judika Illes is the Copy Editor. (this almanac is not to be confused with the Llewellyn almanac, though I like the Llewellyn one too. Just wanted to use a different almanac this year)

Time to run and get some tasks done. Have a Happy May Day, and blessed be!!


Anonymous said...

The warmest day so far this year over here. This day has no big meaning for us any more unless one wants to demonstrate on this the workers day.

But I have dug through the tiny vegetable garden, sown some seeds (sugar melons and winter squash) and put some really old broad beans in water to see if they want to germinate at all :-) :-)

I've always thought that the new year should start in spring. May first would be a great day :-)

Have a great day!

Heddwen said...

A Happy May Day to you too!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Good Tidings on this 1st Day of May BB. I'll give you a verbal picture of my little part of the world....sunshine, 60's right now, expected 80 this afternoon. Slight breeze, wafting the smell of all manner of flowers (sneeze, sniffle). But the best gift this morning was when I took GK to school and we sat quietly in a parking lot and observed some urban bunny rabbits having a morning chase. Two adults and 3 babies frolicking and being ever so glad to have this day.
Goddess bless indeed.
Oma Linda

AkasaWolfSong said...

Dear Robin...sounds like an easy flowing day. Weather is what it is and we learn to move around and through it don't we?

I love The Witches Almanac although I've never gotten one for myself. Perhaps next year. I usually get the Llewellyn's Witches Datebook. Funds were short for me this year so I've not picked one up...and I sure miss it!
I love the fact that you can check for moon phases, tips in gardening, sabbats and lesser sabbats, etc...even poetry and recipes, which we all use from time to time.
You've given me an go through my old ones and see what I've jotted down in each of them...I do do that from time to time but haven't for a while so you just prompted me, lol.
Hope you have a perfectly glorious May Day/Beltane Beloved One! :)

mxtodis123 said...

Blessings to you and yours. We had plenty of rain here as well. Seems to be lcearing out now.

Anonymous said...

A bonfire sounds wonderful, and how fortunate you are to have a porch with a swing, if I had such a swing as that my wife and I would probably be out there no matter what time of the night.

I hope the farmers apples will be okay, I love eating delicious apples!

Thank you for sharing that awesome link with me!

Much happiness . . . to you!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Beltane blessings to you! Begone, hard frosts, May is here!

Anonymous said...

Your plans sound lovely, Robin. Have a Happy Beltane. I celebrated last night with a fire in our above ground fire pit...more like a metal fireplace. It sits right outside my witch's cottage under the trees.

We are in for a chance of "severe weather" it seems. I do hate that phrase! It worries me everytime.

Blessings and Hugs,

Magic Love Crow said...

Happy May Day my friend ;o) Big Hugs and many blessings ;o) I think the frost has finally left us ;o)

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy belated May Day. I know, I am always late but it is not from lack of trying. ;-)

Our weather has been a roller coaster. In one weeks time it can go from a high of 50 to a high of 85. Some of my flowers did not even bud this year, and others came and went so fast I was not able to truly enjoy them. Ah, but such is our beautiful earth. Best we humans learn to care for Her before it is just too late.

I had last years Almanac that you speak of and I really enjoyed my copy. I need to get the new one myself. Have a lovely rest of the week, my dear friend. Hugs, Mina

Unknown said...

May is a month I always look forward to. Much like September it a month of change, spring change. More flowers bloom, gardens grow, a look forward to summer. One downside is the Heat!