Merry Meet and Merry Part, and Merry Meet again

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Resistance to this Cuteness is Futile

Image Credit


Anonymous said...

You're right I surrender ; )

mxtodis123 said...

Oh my goodness, he is just too cute.

Danni said...

*waves the white flag*

Anonymous said...

I do like the wild ones out on the fields, but I really don´t like them close to me :-) I´m sure there´s a name for that :-) :-)

Have a great day!

Aine O'Brien said...

ohhhhhhh. soft and fluffy.

Lady Caer Morganna said...

Adorable!!! I used to have mini-lop bunnies. I actually had them litter box trained using this book called, "Hop to It." Shows you all kinds of different things you can train your so-called dumb bunny to do. They are really pretty smart - they just need motovation!

Thanks for sharing!

Magic Love Crow said...

Can, I hug him??? ;o)))

Anonymous said...

Awwww...I am in love.

Anonymous said...

oh my that is just too cute for words.